How Do We Love People? ~ February 14 Mending Wings 2 Fly Inspirational YouTube Channel

About Mending Wings 2 Fly

Amy Burgard

Mending Wings 2 Fly is a ministry dedicated to encourage and inspire women, men, and children through the Word of God.

Amy has close to thirty years of experience in ministering for children’s ministries, women’s Bible studies, and men serving for Military Ministries with Campus Crusade. This coupled with the way she relates her personal journey in a transparent manner allows her to powerfully impact the lives of others with the inspiration they need to soar in their journeys.

Mending Wings 2 Fly’s motto is:

Loving God and loving others
gives us our wings to fly!

The world is a noisy place. Everyone, it seems, has something to say. Thanks to technology, there's no shortage of voices shouting at us from every gadget and media source. Occasionally, through the din, a voice comes through with a message full of hope and substance. Such is Amy's message ... whether through her writing, speaking or singing ... from her children's books to her YouTube channel ... she speaks hope, encouragement, love and life to any who will listen. In our dark, noisy world ... she is God's instrument to shine His Light and spread His Message. Hers is a voice worth hearing.

Atlanta, Georgia